Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Looking Back: Part 4

I didn't go back home the break between my MD3 and MD4 term, which even though I was a bit bummed I was really glad that I got to experience Bonaire in a different way, not as a frustrated student that had to live there, but as a tourist. Now, I get why people come here, Although, it's crazy expensive if you're not a resident to do some of the stuff. I got to go to "Highest Point" known as Seru Largu, the National Park (which if you visit, you have to do the long tour), as well as Aquaspace. Of course, I engaged in the free rum punch offered by Divi Resorts on Tuesdays from 5p-6p, check it out! It's one of the things I miss about the island, along with the beaches, and the convenience of being able to walk to most places.

Last Rum Punch

MD4 was kind of surreal, there were days where I'd wake up and think, "Where did the months go?" Classes for the most part went well, with the exception of Epidemiology, which is taught by Dr. Gugnani. This class he knows nothing about, don't try arguing with him with an electronic version of a book as he thinks that we have written it or have edited it to reflect what we are saying . . . 

The most upsetting thing at least for me was how our AICM was handled. Granted our class is the largest that SJSM has had. To accommodate the large class they had to add an extra month for us. However, there was no strategy on how to place students in their respective months. I had put in my order of preference "January and February," since those were the months that I wanted to start, and wonderful SJSM put me in April. Oh well, I can swing it. I now have the time to do the Kaplan prep class prior to starting AICM and then as soon as that is over, if I am feeling comfortable, I will be taking the Step in August. 

This term was fun. I seriously found the balance between school and fun. This term included the baseball playoffs and Halloween. Since I had no other costume and I refused to buy one. I sported my Buster Posey jersey. The icing on the cake was that the Giants won the World Series so that was even more incentive to go as a baseball fan, haha, even though it wasn't too out of the box. 

2 Giants Fans, 2 Superbowls, 2 World Series

There was also Science Day, in which we present our research project. It was a long day, mainly because our class is so large. Some of us were starving from being in the classroom for so long. We had class (as a whole from 10a to 12p) and then our presentations started at 1pm and we went until nearly 6pm. When the presentations were over it definitely felt like the last day of class, many people were taking pictures and so forth. 

"Class" Picture from Science Day

My favorite thing this term was having my parents come to the island. I loved being able to show them the prettier parts of Bonaire. I'm glad that they got to enjoy it. Taking them around and letting them see all the sites in 3 days was not an easy task while cleaning out my apartment, as well as attending my white coat ceremony. I got to show them Sorobon (the prettiest beach in Bonaire, it always becomes everyone's favorite place), Seru Largu, and took them on Aquaspace, and luck was with us when we went on Aquaspace, in which we saw 3 turtles. It was a great way to wrap up my 16 months with the people who have been there to support me through the good times and the bad. 

My Parents and I on Aquaspace

My White Coat Ceremony with the People Who are Always in my Corner

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